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Writer's pictureKeyla

A Letter to my Daughter - 6 Things I Want You to Remember

Updated: Jul 16, 2018

Dear beautiful girl,

Time just keeps passing by so fast. I remember the first time I held you and got to see your beautiful face. I remember your first cry, smile, laugh... the first time you cooed, rolled over, crawled, and walked. Those moments may seem small to you, but they were everything to me.

You amazed me then and you amaze me still. You have such a sweet soul, and you already put others first at such a young age. You have patience that most adults don't even have. You inspire me. You find the good in life, even when you are surrounded by bad. Even when there is so much darkness, you bring the light.

I will continue to be so proud to be your mother. Never once have I ever been disappointed in you, even through the tantrums and the back talk, I have always been so proud of you.

I wish I could say that it was my parenting that made you this awesome little human, but honestly, you were born this way. You have always been the calm in my storm. You have always been so easy going, kind, and loving. Daughter, you have a love for everyone and a shine that is so bright.

I hope you never let this world dim it. I hope you always see the good in others. I hope you continue to have such a kind, loving heart.

You are so strong, brave, and beautiful. You are the good in this world, but the world can be scary. It can be surrounded by evil and darkness.

So here are 6 things I want you to always remember.

1. No matter what - through rain or shine - I will ALWAYS be here.

If you need anything in this life, you can always, always come to me. I will love you through it all.

2. Spread kindnesss.

Continue to be kind, even when it feels impossible. This world needs every little kindness it can get. You may not always agree with someone, but you must always be kind. People may not be nice to you, and you can't control that, but YOU can control how you treat others.

3. Always put God first and trust his timing.

You will go through so many unexpected things - good and bad. Always know that God has a plan for you and it is all in HIS time. It will be frustrating, but He knows what He is doing - trust Him. Remember God is loving, forgiving, and trustworthy. One day, I hope to help you develop a relationship with Him. I hope you become a beautiful woman of faith. Learn to talk to him every day, trust in Him, and know that He never leaves you.

4. You are worth it.

Please, please don't let anyone make you feel unworthy. Do not settle. You deserve only the best. You are beautiful, brave, kind and worthy. You deserve all the good things that will come your way. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Go for what you want and deserve, and don't stop until you get it!

5. Stand up for yourself.

Don't be afraid to put up a fight. If you believe in something, fight for it. Don't let people convince you that you are wrong. Value what you believe in, and stand up for it. You are strong and you are a fighter.The pressures of this world will constantly make you question what you believe in. Do not buckle under pressure, rise up and fight against it.

6. Be yourself.

You are special. My wish for you is that you never, ever stop being yourself. Dance the way you want, wear what you want (even if it doesn't always match), sing aloud, and never stop being yourself. If someone doesn't like it, they do not deserve to be in your life

My beautiful girl, you are one of the loves of my life. You bring my life so much joy and hope. I am so grateful and blessed to be your mom. You make the world so much brighter, and I hope you continue to be a light. Remember, I will always be here for you - through the dark times and the happy times. I will proudly hold your hand through it all.

I love you!

All of my love,

Your Mom

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