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Writer's pictureKeyla

When Mom Anxiety Becomes Too Much.

Growing up, and even into my college years, I was always such a care free person. Never thinking about the consequences. I was a go with the flow type of person. It wasn't always a good thing (trust me, it got me into plenty of trouble), but, some days I miss my care free personality.

Ever since becoming a mom, I'm constantly worrying about EVERYTHING. My poor kids can barely do anything without me right there, hovering over them.

My oldest had it the worst. The child literally wasn't allowed to do anything. I was constantly chasing her around, catching her every time she was about to fall, making sure she didn't play in the dirt (not kidding. poor child). My fears stopped me from allowing her to do a lot of things on her own. To learn.

My son has it a little better, but I still constantly struggle with my mom anxiety.

Every time we get in the car, I ask my daughter if my son is in his car seat. Even though I'm the one who put him there. She laughs at me every time (if only I was really kidding when I ask her). I have a fear that somehow, he got out of the car and I'm going to run him over. This is just one example of the many things I worry about.

Some of my mom fears are probably pretty normal, but most of the time, I'm overthinking about everything. Literally, EVERY. LITTLE. THING.

In my heart, I know it's best if I take a step back and breathe. They need to figure things out on their own and learn. But, boy, is it hard. My job is to protect them and keep them safe. I always feel a sting of failure and guilt when they get a scrape on their knee.

Although I've gotten much better coping with my anxiety, I still have a lot of work to do. This is one of my big goals: take a breath and let them be kids. They only get to experience childhood once and I don't want to be the one stopping them from having a great one and experiencing how awesome life can be.

Tips that I use to help my mom anxiety:

o Pray. Pray a lot.

o Take deep breaths - practice mindfulness

o Avoid social media post - This is a big one for me. Anytime I see a story, for example, stories on dry drowning, I automatically assume that it's going to happen to one of my kids. It just gives me extra fears on top of the ones I already have.

o Get more rest - If possible, take some time to yourself, even if it's just 5 minutes.

o Exercise more - Who am I kidding, I don't do this one, but I have heard that it helps relieve stress. (Maybe I'll test it out... but the couch is awfully comfortable).

o Hug and kiss your babies more - This always helps me with anything I'm facing!

I'm obviously no expert, these are just little things that have helped me.

If you have major mom anxiety, know that you're not alone. I'll be praying for all the mamas (and dads) who struggle with the worrying that comes with parenting!

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