Back to school can be so exciting, but also a little overwhelming. For the first two years of my teaching career, I really struggled with knowing what to do in the first couple days back to school. I wanted the students to have fun right off the bat, but I also wanted them to be learning. I started looking for books that would teach them a great lesson - like how to be kind, how to be a friend, how they should act in school, etc.). So, I put together some of my favorite books and activities that I made to go with them.
This bundle is great for the first week of school. It contains lesson plans, crafts, and activities for 8 books. The books include:
Wemberly Worried
Decibella & Her Six-Inch Voice
The Brand New Kid
Back to School Rules
David Goes to School
The Pout Pout Fish Goes to School
The Recess Queen
Do Unto Otters
The bundle includes a school rule book, voice level activities, how to be a good friend, characteristics of a good friend, characteristic traits, and more. It also has a lot of crafts! Your students will love this for the first week of school.